Local Filmmakers create film for Monadnock Premiere
Merry Good Enough is a truly independent, dark(ish) comedy about a dysfunctional family whose mom disappears on Christmas
Eve, and the lengths one daughter must go to bring her family back together again.
At once funny, intense and hopeful, MGE is led by the indelible Raye Levine and Joel Murray, and features a stand-out ensemble cast that includes Susan Gallagher, Comfort Clinton, Sawyer Spielberg, Daniel Desmarais, Neil Casey, Sophie von Haselberg, Margaret Curry, Kevin O. Peterson and Marcia DeBonis.
Merry Good Enough was filmed in the Boston area in the winter of 2022. Dan Kennedy of Hancock co-directed with writer Caroline Keene and Jamieson Shea of Peterborough produced the film. Its North American Premiere is Thursday October 12 at the New Hampshire Film Festival and the film will be available on Apple, Amazon and Dish beginning on December 19th.
The filmmakers will be appearing at select theaters in the US for special advance screenings throughout October and November. The first of these screenings will take place on October 20 and 22 at the Peterborough Community Theatre. The producers are seeking to raise $25,000 for a promotional and marketing campaign ahead of the official release date. For more information, email: